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Make sure to register & pay the University for Credit 


What To Do:

Complete all assignments listed on the assignment page.  (The link and password for this page will be e-mailed to you once your registration and payment is received.)  You must earn at least a 60% on each chapter quiz to attain credit for this book study.   You must make at least one post on each discussion question.  Your discussion posts should be thoughtful and on-topic

How To Submit:

Simply follow the Quiz links on the assignment page to complete each chapter quiz.  After watching the videos linked on the assignment page, respond to each blog post.  Final Assignment - Completion Google Form. 

When To Submit:

Make sure to have all assignments completed by the due date you selected when enrolling for graduate credit.  
No late assignments will be accepted. Also, no friendly reminders will be sent.​  You may want to set yourself reminders in your own personal calendars.

Confirmation of credit will not be emailed.
Check course status/grade on the following university website:
University of Sioux Falls 
Boise State University 

Transcripts will be available from USF 2 - 3 weeks after your completion of the final exam. 
Bosie State University transcripts will be available at the end of each academic term.

Request a transcript of your coursework though your university's website:
University of Sioux Falls 
Boise State University 


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